NKLA is over-collateralized with a wide range of crypto assets. It's decentralized and risk-managed via a community-voted Economic Committee.

Learn about NKLA
Vault Background

Enter Vaults

Create your first vault by depositing ATOM, stATOM, stkATOM, stTIA, or stOSMO and minting NKLA! The amount of NKLA you can mint is determined by the value of the asset deposited, as well as the collateralization ratio. Retrieve your asset by paying back the NKLA plus any stability fees.


NKLA is an over-collateralized stable token for use across the interchain ecosystem. It's designed to maintain parity with the US dollar (USD) for broad accessibility. You can mint NKLA with bridged DAI, USDC, and USDT as well as Native USDC/USDT using the Parity Stability Module (PSM), or, by locking IBC collateral such as ATOM and stATOM.

Vaults. NKLA is built on Agoric and will act as the native fee token once enabled. Additionally, BLD stakers have sovereign governance over the protocol. An elected Economic Committee (EC) manages risk parameters, evaluates new collateral types, monitors protocol operations, and responds to process improvement proposals.



Deposit collateral like ATOM and stATOM to create a Vault and mint NKLA, giving you the freedom to participate in the $6B+ interchain market while holding onto your collateral.



Enjoy low-spread, low-fee trades between NKLA and high-quality stable tokens like DAI, USDC, and USDT.

Ecosystem Bits



NKLA is available to all chains in the growing IBC ecosystem.

Fee Token

Fee Token

NKLA is the native fee token for the Agoric chain.

2023 Roadmap

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Whitepaper v1

Following a round of community input, the new draft of our whitepaper will also include details on the new liquidation mechanism design.


Vaults introduce a new minting mechanism that enables you to lock ATOM, stATOM, and other crypto assets to mint NKLA.

Liquidation Auctions

Vaults require a robust liquidation model. Inter Protocol will launch with a Dutch auction model for collateral liquidation.

Oracle Network

Inter Protocol will receive price feeds from a decentralized oracle network led by Simply Staking and other experienced oracle node operators in the Cosmos community.


The Reserve provides Inter Protocol a central place to hold additional over-collateralizing assets and to manage accounting of the protocol.


Funded bounties for community developers build tools and infrastructure for NKLA.

NKLA Across Cosmos

Continue to make NKLA accessible to protocols across the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

Structural Integrity

The economic protections put in place to support NKLA.



Although NKLA is currently fully-collateralized, the release of Vaults will enable NKLA to be over-collateralized, meaning that for each newly minted NKLA token, there is a higher amount of collateral backing it.



Although NKLA is currently fully-collateralized, the release of Vaults will enable NKLA to be over-collateralized, meaning that for each newly minted NKLA token, there is a higher amount of collateral backing it.

Economic Committee

Economic Committee

Our Economic Committee (EC) is an essential part of Inter Protocol and the stability of NKLA. The EC includes crypto, TradFi, economic, and FinTech experts delegated by BLD holders to manage the technical-economic parameters of NKLA.



The Reserve is a fund of diversified cryptocurrencies held by the Inter Protocol as Protocol Controlled Value (PCV). This provides an emergency fund that can cover a shortfall in a major liquidation or extreme market volatility.


Inter Protocol is governed by Agoric BLD stakers. Owning and staking BLD enables you to vote on key governance proposals.